Monday, August 23, 2010
Euthanasia: is it right or wrong?
Euthanasia derives from a Greek word meaning “good death”. It refers to the practice of ending one’s life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering.
To end pain and suffering sounds pleasant, hence we tell our minds that euthanasia is the best way out. Most of us will all feel a mutual agreement when I say that I would rather die than be permanently bound to a hospital bed, living the life of a vegetable. The idea of dying for most people is a scary concept although the idea of helplessly suffering is much more terrifying, however, euthanasia is an act of an immoral escape from a life that no human has the right to intentionally end.
The grass is greener on the other side. This statement is the principal motive behind euthanasia. The grass looks greener, because people think that what they want is better than what they have and in many cases they are very wrong. The principle of happiness is appreciating what you already have. When I was a child, the only thing that I wanted for Christmas was a radio. After two years of wanting this, I finally got one for my birthday. Twelve months later, I wanted a cassette player. I saved up al l my pocket money for six months and brought one. Soon I wanted a CD player, then a portable CD player, then an mp3 player, an IPod then an Iphone. No matter what I had, there was always something better and I was never satisfied with what I had. The truth is though, the way to get to the greener grass is to appreciate and be thankful for what you have. If you are deprived of good health, then appreciate your friends and family. By following this path, you will get to the green grass when the time is meant for you, not when you want it.
Legalising the deliberate killing of humans would in effect demoralize the very foundations of our laws and public morality. Furthermore, the use of euthanasia could evolve to become more and more unrestricted. Who’s to say that in twenty years the laws won’t be relaxed to an extent that any one, no matter the severity of their physical illness, could ask to be euthanized? Is it possible that euthanasia could be forced upon victims that cannot speak for themselves?
Similar things have happened with the issue of abortion. Once it was used only in times when the life of the mother was at risk, (which in itself is wrong) however, now abortion can be had on demand even if the baby is healthy and fully developed. According to the professionals, abortion is not forced upon anyone however any logical person will know perfectly well that the child has no choice in the matter. This is without a doubt force. Professionals also say euthanasia will not be forced however, it is not an issue of force; it is an issue of the potential of the rules becoming more and more accepting once the door is opened. You do not need to be opposed to abortion or euthanasia to appreciate how the laws have changed.
We live in a world with double standards. Abortion is legal and becoming more and more socially acceptable however, if an unborn child inside the womb of a woman that is driving to an abortion clinic was killed in a car accident with a drunken driver, the driver is considered a murderer and faces serious consequences despite the fact that the baby was due to be “legally murdered” just hours after the accident.
The Ten Commandments are not just ten good rules; they are a written covenant that guides today’s moral values. The Fifth Commandment states – “thou shall not kill”. It has been made entirely clear that no human on Earth has the right to decide when any other human is to die. By allowing euthanasia, people are trying to take up the role of God.
Genesis 9:6 states: "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God has He made man." This is just one of many examples in the scriptures that concisely inform us of the way in which God intends humans to live. God’s love is greater than all suffering, and that by dying of a cross, Jesus has been through death for our sake. He did not take the easy way out.
Some may argue that euthanasia is a merciful act of grace and compassion. Those in agreement use these words to make the overall concept sound like an extremely remarkable act of kindness however by doing this, they miss the point. Euthanasia is killing. No human being on Earth has the right to do this. It should be the goal of every decent person to live a good life that leaves the next generation, in some way better off than the last. How can we achieve this when we jam ideas into the heads of our children that it is ok to take your grandmother to a hospital to be put down just as you would with a sick dog? Don’t go away from this thought with a neutral opinion. You must decide where you stand.
good death,
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Big Bang
The Big Bang Theory is an idea that suggests a way in which the universe came into existence without God. The truth is though, no matter how much evidence that is ever found that may support this idea, atheists can never explain what caused the Big Bang.
It is believed by evolutionists that billions of years ago, there was a large explosion that randomly occurred on its own accord, which formed everything in existence. That’s right, they believe that there was nothing, and out of nowhere, there was everything that has ever existed. It is also believed, that from that point, life was randomly formed, which over billions of years turned into a humanity.
There are literally thousands of fossils found across the Earth of all known species although there has never been a single identified and proven fossil of a species that would fill the link between humans and our alleged ancestor monkeys. How can there be thousands of fossils of everything else, but no evidence that supports the evolutionary theory between not just humans and monkeys, but for every living creature that has ever existed. The answer is simple, Evolution did not happen.
There are literally thousands of fossils found across the Earth of all known species although there has never been a single identified and proven fossil of a species that would fill the link between humans and our alleged ancestor monkeys. How can there be thousands of fossils of everything else, but no evidence that supports the evolutionary theory between not just humans and monkeys, but for every living creature that has ever existed. The answer is simple, Evolution did not happen.
The Bible, states in Romans 1:19-24
Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
This is an unambiguous example of how men swapped the truth for a lie, they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles, these images are the so called “missing links”, the images which fossils have never been discovered to support.
missing link,
Origin of life,
The Big Bang,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Evolution vs Creationism
Due to being entirely open about my faith, there are always people that consistently question me, in attempt to challenge my beliefs, trying to find some rational reasoning that leads to (in their opinion) indisputable verification that God does not exist. This explicit waste of time is indeed a dim-witted attempt of disproving that of which simply cannot be disproved. On Earth, no human being has ever presented any form of evidence that can in the slightest, prove that God does not exist. An evolutionist may argue that there is “scientific proof” of a “Big Bang”, and because of this, many people will believe exactly what they are told without question. Someone in a white lab-suit that has multiple degrees to their name seems to dictate whatever they like in modern times, and even throw in some intellectual terminology to sweeten the deal. Society will freely accept what they are told because it saves them from accountability for their sins. They say that the scientific argument is more logical. Logic tells us that in a universe with the current rules of physics, it is impossible for something to come into existence randomly. Science has proven that the Earth came into existence, however evolutionists believe this was a random occasion. Christians agree with the science; however we believe that there was a cause and purpose. Christians are accused of believing in a fairytale creator; however I am sure that most sane people in this world would agree that something coming from nothing sounds more like a fairytale than someone creating something. If that statement isn’t convincing enough for you, then allow me to change the context. Which sounds more like a fairytale: A Lamborghini randomly appearing in your garage from nowhere, or a Lamborghini getting parked in your garage by somebody?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Skillet: More than just a cuisine appliance
If you desire music that’s function is inspiration enclosed with influential harmony however, still possesses a post grunge status, then Skillet ticks all your boxes. Skillet is a Christian Rock band that invites society to reflect upon the means which the lyrics creatively discusses contemporary issues. This was greatly promoted in the award winning record ‘Comatose’ in which John Cooper, lead singer/guitarist reflected upon personal experiences to form the roots of the single most successful album in the current Christian market. ‘Rebirthing’ and ‘The Last Night’ are songs that considerably helped to shape the album by explicitly underpinning the context of the issues and how they position both Christian and Non-Christian listeners.
In general, the lyrics promote a Christian ideology which in turn supports a base of attitudes, values and beliefs that are shared by all Christians however many Non-Christians are also able to reflect upon these ideals. John Cooper was raised in an exceptionally strict family. He was not allowed to listen to music with drums or guitars, nor was he permitted to wear the colour black or grow his hair long. This is clearly one of the largest influences on the music that he has written. As a Christian, he discovered that the Bible does not condemn the things that his parents prevented him from doing, and he desired to follow God rather than follow his parents. John went against his parents will and formed the band Skillet in a garage in his home town of Memphis, Tennessee in 1989. A correlation between John Cooper’s personal experiences and his music is clearly evident. The song “The Last Night” refers to depression. The song was written to assure people that they are not alone in their suffering. Depression is an issue that is relevant to just about everyone. In a lifetime, a majority of people will have some form of depression. One of the verses in this song undoubtedly refers to John’s upbringing.
Your parents say everything is your fault
But they don't know you like I know you they don't know you at all
I'm so sick of when they say
It's just a phase, you'll be okay. You’re fine
But I know it's a lie.
His parents were oblivious to all of his problems in life. This is expressed in the lyrics: ‘It’s just a phase, you’ll be okay’.
This is an issue that countless teenagers face today.
The last night raised many debatable interpretations regarding the true meaning of the song however, during an interview; Skillet confirmed that the true purpose behind the lyrics is indeed an assurance towards people with depression that they are not alone.
Rebirthing is yet another of Skillets greatest hits. The mix of a symphonic musical arrangement with a contemporary rock theme creates a unique style of music which helps shape the deep and meaningful lyrics.
Rebirthing focuses on one of the most relevant issues that society has ever faced: The act of remorseful change in life. Too often, people choose to live with their personal issues rather than strive to become a better individual. The lyrics encourage and endorse the listeners to accept that no human is perfect although we should all embrace second chances no matter how many times we fail to live good lives.
The artist uses metaphors to express how he feels that there is a better way to live.
I lie here lifeless in this cocoon
Shedding my skin cause I’m ready to
I wanna break out
I found a way out
I don’t believe that it’s gotta be this way
The worst is the waiting
In this womb I’m suffocating
The listeners are encouraged to take up a reflective position due to the immense relevance to which the issue has in all our lives. The style of the music attacks the listener’s emotions causing Goosebumps and affects the brain, making it easier to feel a sense of appreciation towards the way that this song mirrors our lives.
The Last Night and Rebirthing are perfect examples of astounding songs that Skillet has created in reflection of personal experiences. The issues that they regard are common issues hence the listeners are all able to reflect upon the music in order to deal with their own personal problems. With the release of the Comatose album, Skillet has indeed taken music to a whole new level.
In general, the lyrics promote a Christian ideology which in turn supports a base of attitudes, values and beliefs that are shared by all Christians however many Non-Christians are also able to reflect upon these ideals. John Cooper was raised in an exceptionally strict family. He was not allowed to listen to music with drums or guitars, nor was he permitted to wear the colour black or grow his hair long. This is clearly one of the largest influences on the music that he has written. As a Christian, he discovered that the Bible does not condemn the things that his parents prevented him from doing, and he desired to follow God rather than follow his parents. John went against his parents will and formed the band Skillet in a garage in his home town of Memphis, Tennessee in 1989. A correlation between John Cooper’s personal experiences and his music is clearly evident. The song “The Last Night” refers to depression. The song was written to assure people that they are not alone in their suffering. Depression is an issue that is relevant to just about everyone. In a lifetime, a majority of people will have some form of depression. One of the verses in this song undoubtedly refers to John’s upbringing.
Your parents say everything is your fault
But they don't know you like I know you they don't know you at all
I'm so sick of when they say
It's just a phase, you'll be okay. You’re fine
But I know it's a lie.
His parents were oblivious to all of his problems in life. This is expressed in the lyrics: ‘It’s just a phase, you’ll be okay’.
This is an issue that countless teenagers face today.
The last night raised many debatable interpretations regarding the true meaning of the song however, during an interview; Skillet confirmed that the true purpose behind the lyrics is indeed an assurance towards people with depression that they are not alone.
Rebirthing is yet another of Skillets greatest hits. The mix of a symphonic musical arrangement with a contemporary rock theme creates a unique style of music which helps shape the deep and meaningful lyrics.
Rebirthing focuses on one of the most relevant issues that society has ever faced: The act of remorseful change in life. Too often, people choose to live with their personal issues rather than strive to become a better individual. The lyrics encourage and endorse the listeners to accept that no human is perfect although we should all embrace second chances no matter how many times we fail to live good lives.
The artist uses metaphors to express how he feels that there is a better way to live.
I lie here lifeless in this cocoon
Shedding my skin cause I’m ready to
I wanna break out
I found a way out
I don’t believe that it’s gotta be this way
The worst is the waiting
In this womb I’m suffocating
The listeners are encouraged to take up a reflective position due to the immense relevance to which the issue has in all our lives. The style of the music attacks the listener’s emotions causing Goosebumps and affects the brain, making it easier to feel a sense of appreciation towards the way that this song mirrors our lives.
The Last Night and Rebirthing are perfect examples of astounding songs that Skillet has created in reflection of personal experiences. The issues that they regard are common issues hence the listeners are all able to reflect upon the music in order to deal with their own personal problems. With the release of the Comatose album, Skillet has indeed taken music to a whole new level.
John Cooper,
The Last Night
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A prospect for our souls
The Bible teaches that Hell is a place of undying suffering and torment where those who are not saved will dwell for eternity. It is described as an unquenchable lake of fire. Those in Hell are entirely separated from God and have absolutely no hope.
As children, we are often taught that good people go to Heaven and bad people are sent to Hell. This is a vast misconception. The truth of the matter is, we all deserve to go to Hell. Due to original sin, everyone is guilty and therefore will naturally sin.
There is only one way to go to Heaven, which is to believe that Jesus is our saviour and to accept his forgiveness. This may seem simple although, to truthfully accept this forgiveness, we must be truthfully regretful of all of our sins, and have a complete and inclusive intention to live our lives according to the way in which the Bible teaches us.
There is only one way to go to Heaven, which is to believe that Jesus is our saviour and to accept his forgiveness. This may seem simple although, to truthfully accept this forgiveness, we must be truthfully regretful of all of our sins, and have a complete and inclusive intention to live our lives according to the way in which the Bible teaches us.
This means, we can not take advantage of forgiveness by sinning as often as we like thinking that we can easily be forgiven.
end of the world,
if god exists how can there be suffering,
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