Friday, July 30, 2010

postheadericon The seven steps to a happier life

Happiness is a state of well-being characterized by our emotions. It is the single most sought after thing in all of our lives and many people are willing do astonishing things to achieve it. So how exactly does someone become happy?

Love and appreciate every good thing that you have
How is someone supposed to be happy if they can’t first appreciate what they have? On a regular basis, remind yourself about all the good things you have. Whenever you feel enjoyment, appreciate it.
Find a hobby
Find something that you enjoy and that you can do on a regular basis. Try and do it often enough to constantly have something to look forward to, however, not so often that you lose interest.
Set some goals
Think about where you want to be in the future and decide on some goals that will help get you there. Break larger goals down into smaller and more manageable tasks. Do something EVERYDAY that will help move you closer to completing your goals.
Smile and you will make others smile. Studies have shown that when you are smiled at, your body undergoes unconscious psychological changes that have many mental and physical health benefits.
Do something good for someone every day without expecting anything in return
By making others happy, you will naturally tend to embrace their happiness. Go out of your way to make someone’s day. One day, those people will return the favor.
Be forgiving
Forgiveness is one of the greatest functions in a relationship. Always forgive EVERYONE no matter the offence. You will live a much happier life without anger and hatred.
Love yourself
It is physically impossible to be happy without loving yourself. The more you love yourself, the happier you will become however, don’t load yourself with too much ego. Before you can truly love yourself, you must accept your true self and appreciate all your gifts.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

postheadericon Dating for dummies

There are plenty of fish in the ocean although; finding the one for you may be a difficult task. You are bound to meet many people in your life. Unfortunately, most will not be Christian. If you are single, chances are you are looking for a potential partner for marriage, this is a hard task in itself and because of this, many Christians tend to freely begin relationships with non-Christians. That alone is a dangerous move. Is it a sin to date a non-believer? Personally, I am not sure, however the Bible teaches us to stay away from things that lead us away from the Lord.

If you have an intimate relationship with someone, it is highly important to have shared beliefs. It is possible that a relationship can be somewhat successful with different beliefs however there are many situations throughout the relationship that might cause issues. For example, a Christian male marries a non-Christian female. They fall pregnant and they discover that they cannot financially support a child. The non-Christian wife can legally have an abortion without the consent of the Father. Abortion is without a doubt, immoral however the wife does not have the same Christian morals as the father. This certainly does not suggest that a non-believer cannot have similar moral values as a Christian; however, it is obvious that a non-believer has no faith to base their moral values on.  
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

postheadericon Abortion - It's not our right

In society, there are two main stands on the ethics of abortion. Pro-life, and pro-choice. Pro-life being completely against abortion no matter the circumstances and pro-choice being the belief that it should be the mothers right to choose whether to keep the child, or to kill it.

Murder is defined as; ‘the unlawful and intentional killing of another human being’. Logic tells us that abortion is murder. An abortion is completely intentional, and it is obviously killing, however many pro-abortionists argue that the child inside the womb is in fact not a human being.
Life begins at conception. From the moment that there is a union between a man and woman which causes fertilisation to occur, the living organism inside the woman is without a doubt, a human being. It is scientifically proven beyond doubt that the human embryo is biologically separate from its mother. After the sperm fertilizes the egg, an individual comes into existence. The embryo is genetically different to the mother. Humans can not conceive dogs or cats. The individual is defiantly human. Why should it be anyone’s right to determine whether an unborn child created by God should have a life or not. Some may argue that the mother should have this right however if that belief is followed, then we might as well say that our parents have the right to go back in time and choose to kill us before we were born. Of course, time travel is impossible; therefore we might as well make it easy for them, and allow our parents to have the right to kill us now. What is the difference?

Some may believe that it is better to kill a child then bring an unwanted or diseased/mutated child into the world. It may seem rational however regardless of the circumstances; no one has the right to make this choice. God created the child, however if something has gone terribly wrong in the pregnancy, God will still love the infant. We do not have any right to unlawfully kill a loved creation of God. If the mother and the father believe that they are not capable of raising the child, it is perfectly acceptable and moral put the child up for adoption.

A humanity that allows abortion is rejecting the most primary human right- the right of life. 
Monday, July 26, 2010

postheadericon The Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:
All people were forced to put a mark on their right hand or forehead. Whether they were powerful or weak, rich or poor, free people or slaves, they all had to have his mark or else they couldn’t buy or sell anything. This mark stood for the name of the beast and for the number of its name. You need wisdom to understand the number of the beast! But if you are smart enough, you can figure this out. Its number is 666, and it stands for a person.
This extract from the Bible is one of the most read parts in modern times due to the tremendous relevance in the times that we live.
A human microchip implant is a device implanted in a human being containing a unique identification number that can be linked to an external database that contains personal identification, medical history and financial history. This microchip is typically implanted under the skin of the right hand. Studies have shown that in the future, it is extremely probable that all buying and selling will be done via the means of this chip; it will act as a scanable credit card which is permanently attached to the body. It would probably become impossible to buy or sell without it. 
The microchip is currently used by many people across the world. It is produced and distributed by a company called VeriChip Corporation.
It is believed by many Christians that this chip is in fact, the Mark of the Beast. In current times, It is understandable to assume that the world as we know it is surely  expected to end soon due to the clear evidence of prophecies throughout the Bible being fulfilled. The Bible says that during the end times, there will be earthquakes, pestilence and famines. There will be wars and rumors of wars. You may argue that there have been earthquakes for thousands of years; however, these statistics show a rapid increase:
The following statistics were taken from a national earthquake centre in the year of 2001. (All greater than or equal to 5.5 on the Richter Scale)

1800 – 1900 = 645 earthquakes in 100 years
1900 – 1994= 1845 earthquakes in 94 years
1994 – 2000 = 1163 earthquakes in 7 years
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.
This prophecy has been already fulfilled. The Bible has been translated into many languages, and due to the internet, television and radio, it can be communicated to anywhere in the world instantaneously.
It is defiantly evident that many biblical prophecies have occurred which supports all belief that we are in the end times. The microchip is certainly something that I WILL refuse to accept by ALL means.